From passion
to expertise
“One day, I bought a phonograph – the earliest gramophone, invented by Edison – off someone at an antiques market,” Johan remembers. “The man asked: Would you be interested in a music box?”
So perhaps it was meant to be. From his family and via his education, Johan had acquired a unique set of skills and interests.“My grandad loved antiques, and I loved exploring markets and fairs with him. My dad was a carpenter, and from him I get my eye for detail and love of artisanal skills.
Myself, I have a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, so I’m into mechanics. But I’m also passionate about music and history,” Johan says.
And then there was that one, fateful encounter.
Restored to their original state
Over the years, Johan has restored hundreds of music boxes to their original state, applying the original techniques and using the appropriate materials.
Curiosity grew
into fascination
That’s over a quarter century ago. In the intervening years, curiosity grew into fascination, and passion blossomed into expertise. “That phonograph marks an important change in musical history. It and every music-reproducing technology invented after it – up until today’s MP3s – imitates the sounds of musical instruments. But the music box is a musical instrument, and each has a timbre that is entirely unique.”
At the same time, the music box has a thoroughly modern aspect: “It’s the first mechanical instrument for home use. That opera tune you like: you don’t need to revisit the opera if you want to hear it again. The music box will play it for you in your own house.”
a true Expert in mechanical music
An internationally recognised expert in mechanical music (1800-1910), Johan has had his work showcased on tv, at international trade fairs and in museums.
Attracted by his expertise and fascinated by his work, buyers from as far as the US and China have acquired music boxes restored by Johan to their original 19th-century glory.
Beauty of the moment
That paradoxical blend of modernity and antiquity is but one of the almost magical aspects of the music box that keeps drawing Johan back. “It’s just amazing how skilled the craftsmen were who designed and built these instruments. Just one example: once, I had to reproduce a broken axle. It took me three weeks to get it just right. I’m constantly running into aspects of manufacture and issues of engineering that you don’t find anywhere else.”
But it’s not just about technology. Ultimately, what drives Johan’s work, is passion and emotion. “When I’ve finished restoring a music box with 180 moving teeth that plays a complex melody, the sound is so divine that I simply have to sit back and savour the beauty of the moment. And then I play it again!”
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